Vulnerability in Microsoft Excel Vulnerability - CAN-2004-0846
Office 2001 for Mac and Excel 2001 for Mac Severity Ratings and Vulnerability Identifiers: Vulnerability Identifiers Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer privileges on the system would be at less risk than users who operate with administrative privileges. If a user is logged on with administrative privileges, an attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system, including installing programs viewing, changing, or deleting data or creating new accounts with full privileges. The vulnerability is documented in the Vulnerability Details section of this bulletin. A remote code execution vulnerability exists in Microsoft Excel. This update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported vulnerability. To determine the support lifecycle for your product and version, visit the following Microsoft Support Lifecycle Web site.

Other versions either no longer include security update support or may not be affected. The software in this list has been tested to determine if the versions are affected. Microsoft Office 2001 for Mac - Download the update Microsoft Office XP Software Service Pack 2 - Download the update (KB873366) Microsoft Office 2000 Service Pack 3 Software: Microsoft Office 2000 Software Service Pack 3 - Download the update (KB873372) Tested Software and Security Update Download Locations: Recommendation: Customers should apply the update immediately.

Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution Who should read this document: Customers who use Microsoft Excel 2000, Microsoft Excel 2002, Microsoft Excel 2001 for Mac, or Microsoft Excel v. Issued: OctoVersion: 1.0 Vulnerability in Microsoft Excel Could Allow Code Remote Execution Security Bulletin Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-033 - Critical Vulnerability in Microsoft Excel Could Allow Remote Code Execution (886836)